Reference Class Forecasting

This chapter summarises the results of three studies using the reference class forecasting technique on empirical project data. Each project control method from the previous chapters focused on forecasting the time and costs of ongoing projects but rarely used past historical projects. The reference class forecasting is specially designed for estimating a project’s expected time and costs by explicitly taking project-specific characteristics of historical project data into account. It will be shown that this technique yields promising results and can therefore be perfectly combined with some methods from the previous chapters. Such a hybrid method can significantly increase the overall forecasting accuracy of projects.

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I must admit that I rarely read novels, because in the scientific literature, especially in the popular science literature, there can be so much excitement that it not only thoroughly improves my knowledge but also sometimes completely blows my imagination.

The study was published in Batselier and Vanhoucke (2016) and is a collaboration with Jordy Batselier, a PhD student at OR&S between 2012 and 2016 whom I will introduce in Chap. 10.

\(SPI(t)_\) is the instantaneous \(SPI(t)\) , reflecting the schedule performance over the last tracking interval. More specifically, \(SPI(t)_\) is calculated by dividing the increase in ES during the last tracking interval by the corresponding increment of AT, or \((ES_t - ES_)/(AT_t - AT_)\) . Notice the difference between \(SPI(t)_\) and the standard cumulative \(SPI(t)\) , which represents the schedule performance over the entire project up to the current tracking period.

For more information about the concepts of project authenticity and tracking authenticity for empirical project data, the readers are referred to Chap. 10.

I should really pay more attention to Tom’s work, as I did in Chap. 8 to Annelies’ work, but his research topic (project scheduling with alternative technologies) is somewhat beyond the scope of this book. I am sure I will write another book 1 day where I will describe his results in more detail, and I will refer to Tom again in Chap. 15.

A few weeks before I had sent my final version of this book to my publisher, I noticed that Bent Flyvbjerg’s new book had just come out. I immediately bought and read it, and I have no hesitation in recommending it to anyone interested in project management (Flyvbjerg & Gardner, 2023). Needless to say how pleased I was that our three studies on reference class forecasting are included in the reference list.


Author information

Authors and Affiliations

  1. Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Ghent University, Gent, Belgium Mario Vanhoucke
  1. Mario Vanhoucke