SIC to NAICS Code Conversion

SIC to NAICS Crosswalk - SIC to NAICS Code Mapping and Cross-Reference

How to Convert SIC Codes to NAICS Codes

Enter a Keyword or SIC Code in the search box above to find the corresponding NAICS Code.

In some instances, there are several NAICS codes that match to a single SIC code. If you enter a keyword that yields no matches, it is because there were no SIC codes with that description.

SIC to NAICS Crosswalk

Convert SIC Codes to NAICS Codes using the SIC crosswalk search above. Easily cross-reference a SIC code number or keywords to identify the mapped NAICS Code for that entry.

SIC to NAICS Code Mapping

Each SIC Code is mapped to one or more NAICS Codes. Your business may currently use SIC Codes, but certain requirements request a NAICS Code. The SIC to NAICS Code mapping tool makes this process easy.

SIC to NAICS Conversion Table

After completing a search using the SIC to NAICS Code Conversion Tool, the resulting page will display SIC Codes on the left column in blue coloring and the mapped NAICS Codes will be in the right column. Use your mouse to navigate the SIC to NAICS Conversion Table and click on any NAICS or SIC Code to open the code details page.