Taxes in Russia: a guide to the Russian tax system

When do taxes in Russia apply to worldwide income? Find out about the Russian tax system, different types of taxes, and rates.

Taxes in Russia

By Keith Fernandez

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Maintaining our Russian site is a delicate matter during the war. We have chosen to keep its content online to help our readers, but we cannot ensure that it is accurate and up to date. Our team endeavors to strike the right balance between giving information to those who need it, and respecting the gravity of the situation.

The Russian word for tax is налог (nalog) and the current tax system is based on a code enacted and adopted in three stages, from 1998 to 2003. As of 2019, taxes in Russia account for around 10.8% of the country’s GDP following a series of reforms over the previous decade.

For expats, the starting point for determining your tax position depends on your residency status. As such, this status affects what elements of your income are subject to tax and how much you pay.

Read on for an overview of the tax system in Russia, with sections including: