Executed Agreement: Everything You Need to Know

An executed agreement is a signed document made between the people needed to become effective.

Executed Agreement

The document or contract can be made by two or more people, a person and an entity, or two or more entities. Contracts usually define the obligations of one party in terms of goods or services to another party and are not effective until everyone has signed the agreement. Some contracts require the signatures to be witnessed.

Consider the two definitions of executed agreement:

The origin of an executed agreement dates back to the 1300-1400 Late Middle English period. There are various kinds of documents that may be executed to become effective. The most common documents include contracts between two or more parties, including rental, service, and sales contracts.

Executed Date

The executed date is the day when the contract was signed by all the needed parties. It can be the effective date of the contract which can be specified in the contract. For instance, Susan signs a lease on April 4, with a date to move in on May 1. The execution date is April 4, and the effective date is May 1.

Example of executed agreement:

Basics of Executing a Contract

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