A Step-by-Step Guide to Hiring an In-Home Caregiver

A Step-by-Step Guide to Hiring an In-Home Caregiver

Dr. Brindusa Vanta is a health care professional, researcher, and an experienced medical writer (2000+ articles published online and several medical ebooks). She received her MD degree from “Iuliu Hatieganu” University of Medicine, Romania, and her HD diploma from OCHM – Toronto, Canada.

As the baby boomer generation ages, most are expressing their desire to age in place and live independently. For many, the thought of leaving their home and the familiarity of their communities for residential care facilities is daunting. But they’re also worried about the risks to their safety, such as falling, that come with independent living, especially those with mobility or health issues.

If this sounds familiar, you may find that in-home care is the solution because it provides similar services to those delivered in residential care facilities. While it’s a great option, it’s important to choose the right caregiver because they will have almost total access to your home. They might see sensitive information and will certainly be in daily contact with your personal belongings. It’s therefore crucial you diligently research in-home care providers so you can be as sure as possible you’ve hired a reputable agency with trained and vetted caregivers.

This guide defines what in-home care involves and its benefits. It also compares in-home care to home health care, a similar but not identical option for seniors living independently. The guide takes you step-by-step through the process of hiring a caregiver. It covers tasks such as assessing your or your loved one’s needs, comparing competing agencies and interviewing candidates.

What Is In-Home Care?

In-home care is a type of supportive service provided to seniors and people with disabilities in their own homes. The aim is to help them maintain their independence and quality of life while receiving assistance with activities of daily living. About 88% of seniors between the ages of 50 and 80 years of age deem it extremely important to remain in the privacy of their own homes, and the latest figures show almost 5.3 million Americans receive home care services from Medicare-registered agencies. If you do even simple research, you’ll find the spectrum of home care services is wide, from basic companionship to specialized medical care. You’re likely to come across the following services:

In-home care can be tailored to meet your needs, allowing you to receive the support you require to live safely and comfortably in your own home. There are other benefits as well, so let’s take a look at the most common.

What Are The Benefits of In-Home Care?

The numerous benefits of in-home care can apply to you and to your family. Some key advantages include:

What Are The Differences Between Home Care and Home Health Care?

Some people confuse in-home care and home health care, so the following table clarifies the differences and similarities between the two services.

In-Home Care

Home Health Care


Assistance with daily activities (bathing, dressing, meal preparation, etc.), companionship, transportation, light housekeeping, medication management, etc.

Skilled nursing care (wound care, medication management, etc.), physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy, etc.


Varies depending on the level of care needed, the location and the provider’s pricing policy. The monthly U.S. average in 2021 is $4,957.

Varies depending on the level of care needed, the location and the provider’s pricing policy. The monthly U.S. average in 2021 is $5,148.

Financial Assistance Programs

Medicaid waiver programs, VA benefits, long-term care insurance, private pay

Medicare, Medicaid, private insurance, VA benefits, private pay

Suitable For

Seniors who …

Need assistance with daily activities but don't require skilled medical care, want to remain in their own homes, and prefer a more personalized approach to care

Require skilled medical care (e.g., after surgery or dealing with a long-term issue, such as Parkinson’s disease), need assistance with rehabilitation or therapy, and have a doctor's order for home health care services

Step-by-Step Instructions to Hire an In-Home Careigver

Hiring an in-home caregiver typically involves making a series of important decisions. The following breaks these down into simple steps so you can be sure you’ve covered everything you should.

Step 1: Assess Care Needs

Consider your or your loved one’s medical treatments, but also create a schedule for the caregiver to follow to ensure medications are given and taken as prescribed. Determine which activities of daily living need support, such as bathing and dressing. If cognitive decline is becoming an issue, a specially trained caregiver experienced in aiding seniors experiencing memory disorders may be needed.

You should consider the amount of time per day or week the caregiver will be required. Consequently, you should have an idea of your budget upfront and if it covers the hours of care needed.

Step 2: Develop a Job Description

Developing a job description is a good way for you to pin down what type of caregiver you’re looking for. However, its primary purpose will almost certainly be as a tick-box exercise, so you can quickly filter out caregivers who can’t provide what you need. The job description should include the following:

Step 3: Source Candidates

Once you’ve fine-tuned the job description, it’s time to start looking for candidates. You should use at least three of the following suggestions so you can source the right person from a big enough field.

Step 4: Conduct Interviews

Once you’ve narrowed down your list of candidates or agencies, it’s time to conduct interviews.

Step 5: Conduct Background Checks

Before making a final hiring decision, you should conduct a background check on your preferred candidate. You must be sure they don’t have a criminal record and, if applicable, a good driving history. Follow these steps:

If you’re planning on doing the checks yourself, follow these steps:

Step 6: Hire the Caregiver

It’s time to make a hiring decision and offer the position to the best candidate. Once you’ve decided, follow these steps:

Step 7: Onboard the Caregiver

Onboarding the caregiver properly can ensure they’re fully prepared to provide high-quality care. Follow these steps:

Step 8: Manage Expectations

Finally, managing the caregiver’s expectations is crucial to establishing a stable and successful relationship. Here are some tips on how you can achieve this:

By following these steps, you can improve your chances of finding the best caregiver for a loved one and develop a relationship that provides the care they need during their later years.